Team member

Rachel Phinnemore, Yufei Kang, Tianyu Wang


Federated Learning (FL) offers the benefits of machine learning without compromising the privacy of the users. However, the implementation of federated learning introduces new challenges for optimizing the accuracy of ML models as well as converging to the optimal points due to the nature and distribution of training data used in federated learning. Namely, there are three attributes of data in federated learning that badly impede the optimization process: Massively Distributed Data, Non IID Data and Unbalanced Data[2]. Nevertheless, progress has been made to improve federated learning by exploring different adaptive server aggregation algorithms[1]. One finding from this study showed that model accuracy improvement was more sensitive to tuning the client update schemes than tuning the accuracy of the server aggregation method. As such, our CSC 2228 course project will use this finding as inspiration to explore how to improve the model accuracy of unbalanced Non IID data by implementing different client update schemes. While different client update schemes have been implemented and tested in “Optimization in Federated Learning’’ to explore which provides the greatest accuracy gains, this work focused solely on Non IID data. Unbalanced Non IID data presents significant challenges for realizing competitive model accuracy above and beyond the challenges presented by Non IID data alone. To our knowledge, our project will be the first to explore whether federated learning model accuracy of unbalanced Non IID data can be improved through implementing different client update schemes.

Project goals


Date Milestone
Week 1
Feb 2nd - Feb 9th
Finding existing code to use to allow us to focus on implementing new client update schemes

Setting up environment and ensuring existing code for us to build upon works
Week 2
Feb 9th - Feb 16th
Create Non-IID dataset and unbalanced Non-IID data
Week 2-3
Feb 9th - Feb 23th
Research different client update schemes to implement and implement them
Week 3
Feb 16th - Feb 23rd
Implement method to measure accuracy of model on client and global model

Start writing progress report
Week 4
Feb 23rd - Mar 2nd
Running experiments to tune hyper parameters of client update schemes

Begin outline for paper
Week 5-7
Mar 2nd - Mar 16th
Experiment running

Get feedback from TA on paper outline

Writing Paper
Week 7-8
Mar 17th - Mar 31th
Prepare presentation

Get feedback from TA on presentation outline

Polish paper
Week 9
Apr 1st - Apr 7th
Polish presentation

Do practice presentation dry run
Week 10
Apr 7th - April 16th
Submit final report